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Manzurul Hassan

Manzurul Hassan

Jahangirnagar University


Dr M Manzurul Hassan (b.1966) is Professor of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. His research encompasses climate change, environmental health, environmental management, and spatial modelling. He received his MSc in Geographical Information for Development (GID) from Durham University, UK and later, his PhD in Social Sciences and Health from the same University with the Commonwealth Scholarships Programme. He was a Commonwealth Fellow of the Institute of Hazard and Risk Resilience (IHRR), Durham University, UK. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (with TIBG) and member of several international and national professional bodies. He is an editor of several international peer-reviewed journals.

Research Interest

Professor Hassan’s research investigates groundwater arsenic poisoning, air quality monitoring, climate change, environmental health risk, and environmental justice. Apart from his recent book on “Arsenic in Groundwater: Poisoning and Risk Assessment” from CRC Press, he wrote a significant number of research papers and book chapters. In addition, he has also served as a consultant to several world bodies, including the Asian Development Bank, World Bank, UNICEF, and World Health Organization in the fields of climate change and human health, WASH, air quality monitoring, medical waste management, digital elevation model (DEM), EIA, EMP and so on.