Olga N. Demina
Karachay-Circassian State University
Department of Natural Sciences
Professor of KSU. U.D. Aliev. From 1985 to 2013, she worked at SFU (RSU), carried out various research projects on the study of the vegetation cover of the Don and the Caucasus basin, including on environmental issues, both in Russia and in Ukraine: since 1996 - in the post of head. the Laboratory of Biodiversity and Specially Protected Natural Territories of the Research Institute of Biology of the Southern Federal University; since 2012 - in the position of Director of Botswana SFedU.
Research Interest
Biodiversity,Conservation,Biology,Ecology and Evolution,Conservation,Ecology,Climate Change, Ecosystem,Ecology Species Diversity,Invasive Species Plant Ecology Biodiversity Monitoring Biodiversity & Conservation Immunology Community Ecology Vegetation