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Engila Mishra Maharjan

Engila Mishra Maharjan

Climate Change Specialist at ASHA Project, Nepal

Title: Adaptive and interactive climate future: By integrating scientific information with local perceptions


Biography: Engila Mishra Maharjan


Climate change is already having adverse impacts on ecosystems and communities through higher temperatures, prolonged droughts and more frequent extremes. However, a gap remains between public understanding, scientific knowledge about climate change and effective adaptation options identification and implementation. Adaptation to the climate change cannot effectively occur unless the planning process adopts an ecosystem-based approach. The livelihoods of smallholder farmers/community depend on natural systems that extend beyond administrative boundaries. Therefore, to enhance the climate resilience of natural environment and to sustain ecosystem services needs to consider the environment at a larger ecosystem level in Adaptation for Smallholders in Hilly Areas (ASHA) Project. This poster highlights the novel approaches for covering natural boundary of climate change adaptation plan by adopting the enhanced approaches for climate change adaptation planning and implementation which integrates scientific information with local perceptions and also it contributes to fulfill the gaps. These approaches are Geographic Information System (GIS) based sub-watershed and Participatory Scenario. Development (PSD). Since, GIS based sub watershed assessment is necessary in order to support for ecosystem level resilience building by addressing upstream and downstream linkages whereas PSD is necessary for envisioning future for balancing both development and ecosystem needs. Therefore, this assessment process provides communities with the opportunity to interactively explore different climate futures, builds capability and capacity for dealing with complex challenges and socializes
adaptation priorities with diverse publics. Furthermore, it enhances learning effects for resilient climate futures.